Why not take your Scrum home?

Why not take your Scrum home?

Upcoming: Tuesday February 27th. 2024.

Collaboratory: 2031 Jackson St · Fort Myers, FL

Registration: Meetup, Linkedin


  • 6:30pm: Arrival and Welcome!
  • 6:40pm: Why not take your Scrum home? presented by Marilu Garbi.
  • 7:30pm – 8:00pm: Discussion and After-party Networking, Food and Beverage.

About our presentation and our Speaker: Why not take your Scrum home? presented by Marilu Garbi.

I became a Scrum Master in 2019 and since then I’ve applied it to my personal and work life in unusual ways. I think it’s because I came to Scrum from a different path. I’m a journalist from Venezuela and an entrepreneur since I arrive in the US in 2000. Collaborating with other people at work and at home to achieve my goals has been a constant throughout those years. Scrum was a new and clear methodology for me to do that more efficiently and effectively, and the results were phenomenal. I want to share my most useful insights.

What’s Scrum?
“It’s a way to get work done as a team in small pieces at a time(1), with continuous experimentation and feedback loops(2) along the way to learn and improve as you go. Scrum helps people and teams deliver value(3) incrementally in a collaborative way(4).”

Let’s unpack that to achieve “productivity with ease” (my silly mantra 🙂

  1. One thing at a time. Trust me, it’s more productive that way. Multitasking is a myth.
  2. Don’t have to get it right at first. The power of iteration when trying something new.
  3. Clarity of focus. Get it out of your worried head and into a piece of paper. Where you place your attention, happens (more effortlessly than you think.)
  4. Getting thing to-done. Emphasize the process over the goals.
  5. BONUS Time box your dreams. If it isn’t in the calendar, it doesn’t exist.